Sam Coupe Mode 3



Alexey Boldyrev

2 quarters ago

Добавить поддержку Sam Coupe Mode 3:
512 × 192, linear framebuffer, 2 bits per pixel (4 colours) = 24 KB

Palette of 4 colours chosen from 128
512x192 individual pixels
Each byte holds four 2-bit colour values for four pixels

Mode 3 screen byte:
76 54 32 10 =bit number
01 01 01 01 =bit number for CLUT select (%01 for Color 2)
0  1  2  3  =pixel x-position (from left to right)

Screen Data: 24576 bytes
Palette Data: min. 41 bytes (when saving as SCREEN$ only)

SCREEN$ files are a minimum of 24617 bytes in size depending on the amount of stored line palette changes.
File extension as used on other platforms .ss3


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